Books to curl up with: a librarian's musings

Monday, July 11, 2005

Old "friend" revisited

Over the years I feel like I have met Richard Feynman. He was a Nobel prize winning physicist, but it is much more than that that makes me like him. He wrote several very funny books on his life. He wrote several wonderful books on physics that the lay person can get through if they are genuinely interested. He was a wonderful teacher, but didn't make things dumbed down for the lay person.

His daughter Michelle Feynman has put together a selection of letters to Feynman and his responses. "Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track" is a wonderful visit with this old friend whom I have never met. My only wish is that there were more letters, particularly from the 1950s during his stay in Brazil and his second marriage. This is a minor quibble and she may not have had letters from that time period. Enjoy


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