Books to curl up with: a librarian's musings

Monday, May 07, 2007

Benni Harper returns

We had to wait a year for the new Benni Harper. It was great to see everyone again in Tumbling Blocks. I did actually figure out part of the mystery, so either the mystery part wasn't too hard or I'm improving. I would like to think I'm improving.

This story takes place a month after Delectable Mountains. Benni and Gabe are expecting his mother to come for Christmas. What they didn't expect was her eloping and coming with her new husband. For Gabe, who is still stressed from the death of his cousin in the last novel, the marriage is all it takes to create problems with his already tenious relationship with his mother. Benni is caught in the middle as she also investigates a murder that everyone except her boss, Constance, says didn't happen.

I know Earlene Fowler would like to stretch her wings with other books, but I hope she never gives up her Benni mysteries. I do love them so.


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