Books to curl up with: a librarian's musings

Friday, November 28, 2003

Timeless Tales

Some books you read as a child, you will never go back to. Others never stale. I picked up a copy of Betty MacDonald's The Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Treasury on a sale table to give as a gift to an 8 year old. Yesterday I started to reread it. Now I have to go back and buy another as I know I can't part with it. LOL

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, an eccentric lady who lives in an upside down house, lives on the treasure left to her by her late husband, a pirate. The children in town all love Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle and so do their parents. For Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle besides baking wonderful cookies and loving to play, she is a font of outrageous cures for children's bad behaviour.

If your child won't bathe- why the radish cure. Let them get really dirty and plant radish seeds in their skins.
If you child has terrible manners, let Lester, the pig, show him how to eat as if he grew up with Emily Post.

Children and adults will love these crazy tales and the illustrations by Hilary Knight, the illustrator of the Eloise books. A great Christmas gift or check her out at your library.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Pausing to reflect

I am reading Nevada Barr's latest book, which is a break from her mystery series. Seeking Enlightenment Hat by Hat explores her growth as a person and her search for a spiritual center. Barr writes this from a personal perspective without ever sounding preachy. This journey to find her center hasn't been easy and is not a completed journey.

If you enjoy this, you may also enjoy English professor, Carolyn Heilbrun's book Last Gift of Time: life beyond sixty. Heilbrun also looks back on her life for lessons learned and toward dreams yet to be fufilled.

Welcome to books to curl up with!

Working at a library you get to read so many great titles and you want the chance to share them. I hope to share books here and tools for avid readers to find more.

So grab a warm throw, a cuppa tea and get ready to read.