Books to curl up with: a librarian's musings

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

You don't have to agree.

I was working on a list of classic books for students. Having to read a classic novel is a common assignment. One of the lists I found was the Random House's 100 novels. There are two lists there - one from the critics and a second from readers. Not sure I agree with either. What do you think? Check it out.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Wilde times

Robbie Ross was an unsual man as an openly gay man in England in late 1800s and turn of the century. He was a noted art critic, but would not be remembered today except for his relationship with Oscar Wilde. Wilde was his first lover when Ross was a young man. Their relationship grew over the years to a rich friendship. Ross stuck by Wilde to the bitter end. As the executor of Wilde's estate, Ross worked hard to salvage Wilde's literary reputation after his death and to get his works to earn money to pay off his debts and help Wilde's family.

Fryer's biography, "Robbie Ross" is a fascinating look at the times and the people who moved in Wilde and Ross's circle.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Literary Awards

While beach books are upon us, sometimes we feel the need to read something that will stretch our minds.

Literature Awards is "remodeling" but has links to some great lists of award winners

College Bound reading list

Classics for the College Bound and Beyond

ALA's list for College Bound and Life Long Learners

Booklist Center

Monday, May 02, 2005

The Mystery of Ireta

This book combines two Ann McCaffrey novels - Dinosaur Planet and Dinosaur Planet Survivors. This is a harder SF novel than her Pern series.

The Federated Sentient Planets has sent a team to catalog the flora and fauna of Ireta. Some of the members of the team suspect the team has been abandoned on this planet, which to their suprise has Earth dinosaurs. This shifts the dynamics and behaviour of the team and problems occur. Also what accounts for the irregularity of the animals on this planet. I don't want give away too much.

I must admit this wasn't my favourite McCaffrey novel. I never felt emotionally involved in our heroes success. The story goes quickly in both books though and would appeal to fans who want less fantasy in their SF.