Books to curl up with: a librarian's musings

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Passionate plea

Al Gore was on TV and his passion for the environment almost made him glow. So I decided to get on the hold list for An Inconvenient Truth. The book is a little like National Geographic. Big pictures with informative captions. The book was more than a little unsettling and he seems to have marshalled some impressive facts. Even if you aren't a believer in global warming this book is worth looking at. It is both deeply personal and very informative.

Writer / Writer

I just finished Double Lives by Lingeman. In it he discusses the friendships of famous authors. Some of my favourites were Melville and Hawthorne; James and Wharton. He really captured the flavour of their relationships. It was great fun.

I must admit that I didn't like the chapter on Kerouac/Cassidy/Ginsberg as much. I think there was too much in their relationship for the size he could give them. Also I didn't much like them as people