Books to curl up with: a librarian's musings

Friday, October 22, 2004

Little Earthquakes = Big Changes

I love Jennifer Weiner's writing. Her new book is a treasure. Little Earthquakes revolves around 4 women and their babies. The four become friends by unlikely means, but find themselves bound together by the events of their lives. The babies may be small physically but represent large changes and ripples in their lives. The book is poignant and funny. A definite keeper!!!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Word Blogs

Some blogs are devoted to the world of literature. Some you might like include:

BookSlut , which sound postitively risque. However blogger Jessa Crispin focuses on providing wonderful reviews and humour about book obsessions.

The NYT sent me over to Identity Theory They are right the gems of the site are the interviews by Robert Birnbaum's interviews with authors.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Adoption journey

Eliza Thomas has written a touching picture book about adopting as a single mother. This is the story of how she and her daughter, PanPan, became a family. I highly recommend this for parents and toddlers. Give Red Blanket a try!

Okay Young Adult Title

I really liked The Earth, My Butt and Other Big Round Things. Mackler's new book is Vegan Virgin Valentine. This is the story of how Mara Valentine overcomes her type A personality and learns to relax a little. It is also how she resolves her relationship with her niece, V, who is almost her age and exact opposite. Vegan ... is worth reading, but must admit I didn't like it as much as I did The Earth... Still it reads fast and would be a great teen beach book.

I've heard that Whytock, who wrote My Cup Runnth Over has a new book in the works!