Books to curl up with: a librarian's musings

Monday, January 07, 2008

Father Tim

I read Jan Karon's books about Mitford and Father Tim regularly. I stayed up late last night to finish Home to Holly Springs. In it Father Tim receives a mysterious unsigned message asking him to "come home". With his wife's blessings, he and his dog Barnabas drive to Mississippi.

I enjoyed this book and visiting with characters I care about. However I think it tries to wrap up too many things in one book and therefore has a little too much reliance on coincidences. I know that there are going to be more of the Father Tim series and wish she could have spread some of this out more.

front line staffers

Alex Frankel worked the front lines at a number of major companies - UPS, Enterprise Rent A Car, the Gap, Starbuck, etc.

He chronicles his experiences in the various corporate cultures in Punching In. As a journalist, he felt like an outsider in many of the jobs and at others he clicked. He also examines the new wave electronic screening during hiring, group interview techniques, etc.

I really enjoyed this and was suprised by his final favourite.